Monday, June 7, 2010

Would YOU want to live to 100???

Many times when I talk with people (family, friends, neighbors, patients - it doesn't matter) I mention how cool it would be to live to 100 (or in my case 105). The reaction varies but most of the time it's a negative response. "Who would want to live to 100?"

I think it would be cool to reach 105. Now I understand that living to 100 (or more) can be a scary thing. When you think of living that long, you tend to picture a relative that's 65 living on 14 meds a day, wearing diapers, and traveling from one MD to the next trying to "fix" whatever ailment is bothering them this week. Who wants to live like that? Not me............ that's not what I'm talking about.

If we lived a healthier lifestyle, eat better foods, enjoy life, exercise more and did the right things THROUGHOUT our lives we could live a lot longer. The problem is we neglect our health while working to secure financial wealth, then retire and spend our fortunes trying to regain our health! We're doing it backwards. I want to encourage you to live life to the fullest. Eat nutritious foods, exercise daily, LOVE your job (or move on), get enough rest...........AND get adjusted for LIFE.

If you understand how to live a healthy life you can EASILY reach 100+ AND do it in good health. We were designed to be healthy. Clear the interference and start living a healthy life. Think of life like a 100 year candle that's lit on the day of your birth, burns at a steady pace until the end of your life, flickers and goes out........... peacefully. No need for interventions, re-lights or enhancers that keep it burning. How cool would that be?

I'll see you at 100.

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