Wednesday, June 2, 2010

I have a NEW miracle pill............

If I told you I had a new, amazing, miracle pill (and yes there is one) that could prevent up to 91% of Type 2 Diabetes and Obesity, would you buy it?

How about if I told you it prevents up to 50% of ALL heart disease (which would save 475,000 lives each year)?

This miracle pill IS available to you and your loved ones but there are more benefits of taking this miracle pill...... Read on........

  • This miracle pill reduces the risk of stroke by 25-30%

  • It prevents up to 50% of ALL stroke deaths

  • It reduces congestive heart disease deaths by a whopping 63%

  • It normalizes blood pressure and reduces the risk of developing high blood pressure

  • This miracle pill will restore and maintain heart and blood vessel health

  • and it will resore and maintain cholesterol and triglyceride levels

  • This miracle pill reduces breast cancer by up to 60%!!!! (can big pharma even come close to that?)

  • It reduces pancreatic cancer in overweight people by up to 50%

  • It reduces lung cancer in smokers by up to 72%

  • Melanoma by up to 72%

  • and prevents up to 50% of colon cancers.......... (how many lives will this pill save?)

  • My miracle pill reduces the risk of rheumatoid and osteo arthritis (and also help improve existing arthritis)

  • This pill prevents osteoporosis...........

  • It increases bone formation, increases strength, flexibility and balance!

  • This miracle pill will decrease the need for gall bladder removal by 20% and decrease gallstone formation

  • It improves digestion, bowel function, increases immune function and increases anti-tumor activity

  • and boosts antioxidant levels

  • The miracle pill that I possess right now decreases all causes of mortality by 67% in the general population

  • it decreases all causes of mortality in 61-81 yr olds by 50%!!!

  • It prevents up to 62% of Alzheimers and 52% of dementia

  • It will significantly improve physical function in older adults and decrease your chance of EVER being in a nursing home

  • It decreases the rate of aging and increases growth and healing hormones

  • This AWESOME miracle pill will enhance YOUR learning capacity by up to 12 times!!!

  • It will increase your seratonin levels and decrease depression by 20%.

How much is it you ask?  How much would YOU pay for it? How much is your life worth? I mean think about it.......... this pill will reduce cancer, save lives, help us live longer/healthier, decrease unnecessary suffering, save hundreds of millions of dollars each day,and build a better LIFE overall.

What if I told you this pill was FREE? And it has no side effects, it's completely natural and everyone can have it immediately???

Guess what? You can have all the above benefits by eating a healthy diet AND exercising just 30 minutes  each day. I wonder what would happen if you exercised more? Could it be that you would be healthier? and benefit more?

Don't "believe" in this miracle pill? See the research here.........Proven Benefits 

Keep in mind, we're not talking about a super strict diet and crazy heart pounding exercise. The above results were achieved with a conservative diet and mild-moderate exercise.

Remember.............YOU WERE BORN TO BE HEALTHY!

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