Monday, June 7, 2010

Would YOU want to live to 100???

Many times when I talk with people (family, friends, neighbors, patients - it doesn't matter) I mention how cool it would be to live to 100 (or in my case 105). The reaction varies but most of the time it's a negative response. "Who would want to live to 100?"

I think it would be cool to reach 105. Now I understand that living to 100 (or more) can be a scary thing. When you think of living that long, you tend to picture a relative that's 65 living on 14 meds a day, wearing diapers, and traveling from one MD to the next trying to "fix" whatever ailment is bothering them this week. Who wants to live like that? Not me............ that's not what I'm talking about.

If we lived a healthier lifestyle, eat better foods, enjoy life, exercise more and did the right things THROUGHOUT our lives we could live a lot longer. The problem is we neglect our health while working to secure financial wealth, then retire and spend our fortunes trying to regain our health! We're doing it backwards. I want to encourage you to live life to the fullest. Eat nutritious foods, exercise daily, LOVE your job (or move on), get enough rest...........AND get adjusted for LIFE.

If you understand how to live a healthy life you can EASILY reach 100+ AND do it in good health. We were designed to be healthy. Clear the interference and start living a healthy life. Think of life like a 100 year candle that's lit on the day of your birth, burns at a steady pace until the end of your life, flickers and goes out........... peacefully. No need for interventions, re-lights or enhancers that keep it burning. How cool would that be?

I'll see you at 100.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

I have a NEW miracle pill............

If I told you I had a new, amazing, miracle pill (and yes there is one) that could prevent up to 91% of Type 2 Diabetes and Obesity, would you buy it?

How about if I told you it prevents up to 50% of ALL heart disease (which would save 475,000 lives each year)?

This miracle pill IS available to you and your loved ones but there are more benefits of taking this miracle pill...... Read on........

  • This miracle pill reduces the risk of stroke by 25-30%

  • It prevents up to 50% of ALL stroke deaths

  • It reduces congestive heart disease deaths by a whopping 63%

  • It normalizes blood pressure and reduces the risk of developing high blood pressure

  • This miracle pill will restore and maintain heart and blood vessel health

  • and it will resore and maintain cholesterol and triglyceride levels

  • This miracle pill reduces breast cancer by up to 60%!!!! (can big pharma even come close to that?)

  • It reduces pancreatic cancer in overweight people by up to 50%

  • It reduces lung cancer in smokers by up to 72%

  • Melanoma by up to 72%

  • and prevents up to 50% of colon cancers.......... (how many lives will this pill save?)

  • My miracle pill reduces the risk of rheumatoid and osteo arthritis (and also help improve existing arthritis)

  • This pill prevents osteoporosis...........

  • It increases bone formation, increases strength, flexibility and balance!

  • This miracle pill will decrease the need for gall bladder removal by 20% and decrease gallstone formation

  • It improves digestion, bowel function, increases immune function and increases anti-tumor activity

  • and boosts antioxidant levels

  • The miracle pill that I possess right now decreases all causes of mortality by 67% in the general population

  • it decreases all causes of mortality in 61-81 yr olds by 50%!!!

  • It prevents up to 62% of Alzheimers and 52% of dementia

  • It will significantly improve physical function in older adults and decrease your chance of EVER being in a nursing home

  • It decreases the rate of aging and increases growth and healing hormones

  • This AWESOME miracle pill will enhance YOUR learning capacity by up to 12 times!!!

  • It will increase your seratonin levels and decrease depression by 20%.

How much is it you ask?  How much would YOU pay for it? How much is your life worth? I mean think about it.......... this pill will reduce cancer, save lives, help us live longer/healthier, decrease unnecessary suffering, save hundreds of millions of dollars each day,and build a better LIFE overall.

What if I told you this pill was FREE? And it has no side effects, it's completely natural and everyone can have it immediately???

Guess what? You can have all the above benefits by eating a healthy diet AND exercising just 30 minutes  each day. I wonder what would happen if you exercised more? Could it be that you would be healthier? and benefit more?

Don't "believe" in this miracle pill? See the research here.........Proven Benefits 

Keep in mind, we're not talking about a super strict diet and crazy heart pounding exercise. The above results were achieved with a conservative diet and mild-moderate exercise.

Remember.............YOU WERE BORN TO BE HEALTHY!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Find out if Chiropractic (and our office) is right for you!

Mention this offer and receive certificate valued at more than 100.00 for just 19.95!
Is YOUR health worth it?

Monday, April 19, 2010

Chiropractic Validated by Medical Research

Posted by: Dr. Mercola
June 30 2004 | 4,174 views

By Dr. Lloyd Fielder

Since chiropractic’s inception in 1895 there has been an understanding of the crucial relationship between the integrity of the spinal column and the function of the nerve system as a whole and specifically the tissues and organs that they supply. The interrelatedness of the spine and nerve system--even way back then--was evident in its simplest of understandings.

It was this basic observation that led to the profession of chiropractic focusing on the function of the nerve system and how it is the main source for transmitting the inborn intelligence and information one requires to express their fullest health potential. In essence, to the degree one maintained a healthy nerve system, one free of interference and aberrant communication in relation to the spine, is to the degree one was able to express the fullest potential for life and health.

Chiropractors influence the function of the nerve system through the spine and spinal subsystems thereby allowing the body to increase its own inborn ability to self-regulate and self-heal.

Why Don’t M.D.s Recognize the Importance of Nerve Function?

Fast forward 110 years later. I can’t tell you how many times I have a person in front of me to whom I explain these simple workings of the importance of nerve function in the role of their health. I know I am not the only chiropractor who hears this next line all too frequently, "Why didn’t my M.D. tell me that?"

My answer is usually something along the lines of, "Maybe they just simply don’t know and you should explain it to them." In truth I do not know the answer, but my best guess would be that these understandings were firstly and continue to be associated with chiropractic and chiropractors. Their biasness professionally is that chiropractic ideas have not come from any medical research or any allopathic physician and therefore are not valid.

Well fret no longer; thanks to a wonderful M.D. who spent many long hours in the lab we have results that support the basics of the chiropractic view of a life and death relationship between the nerves and the function of the organs as they relate to the spine.

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you:

The Winsor Autopsies

Henry Winsor, a medical doctor in Haverford, Pennsylvania, asked the question:

"Chiropractors claim that by adjusting one vertebra, they can relieve stomach troubles and ulcers; by adjusting another, menstrual cramps; and by adjusting others conditions such as kidney diseases, constipation, heart disease, thyroid conditions, and lung disease may resolve--but how?"

Dr. Winsor decided to investigate this new science and art of healing--chiropractic.


After graduating from medical school, Dr. Winsor was inspired by chiropractic and osteopathic literature to experiment. He planned to dissect human and animal cadavers to see if there was a relationship between any diseased internal organ discovered on autopsy and the vertebrae associated with the nerves that went to the organ. As he wrote:

"The object of these necropsies (dissections) was to determine whether any connection existed between minor curvatures of the spine, on the one hand, and diseased organs on the other; or whether the two were entirely independent of each other."

University Permission

The University of Pennsylvania gave Dr. Winsor permission to carry out his experiments. In a series of three studies he dissected a total of 75 human and 22 cat cadavers. The following are Dr. Winsor’s results:

"Two hundred twenty-one structures other than the spine were found diseased. Of these, 212 were observed to belong to the same sympathetic (nerve) segments as the vertebrae in curvature. Nine diseased organs belonged to different sympathetic segments from the vertebrae out of line.

These figures cannot be expected to exactly coincide ... for an organ may receive sympathetic filaments from several spinal segments and several organs may be supplied with sympathetic (nerve) filaments from the same spinal segments. In other words, there was nearly a 100 percent correlation between minor curvatures of the spine and diseases of the internal organs."

Diseases examined:

•Stomach Diseases
All nine cases of spinal misalignment in the mid-thoracic area (T5-T9) had stomach disease.

•Lung Disease
All 26 cases of lung disease had spinal misalignments in the upper thoracic spine.

•Liver Disease
All 13 cases of liver disease had misalignments in the mid thoracic (T5-T9)

All five cases with gallstone disease had spinal misalignments in the mid thoracic.

All three cases with pancreas disease had spinal misalignments in the mid thoracics.

All 11 cases with spleen diseases had spinal misalignments in the mid thoracics.

All 17 cases with kidney disease were out of alignment in the lower thoracics.

•Prostate and Bladder Disease
All eight cases with kidney, prostate and bladder disease had the lumbar (L2-L3) vertebrae misaligned

The two cases with the uterine conditions had the second lumbar misaligned.

•Heart Disease
All 20 cases with heart and pericardium conditions had the upper five thoracic vertebrae (T1-T5) misaligned.

Dr. Winsor’s results are published in The Medical Times, November 1921, and are found in any medical library.

That’s right, folks: 1921.

Modern Research Also Shows Benefits of Chiropractic

What is incredible is that there is much more research, a majority of it done in recent years, that shows the benefit of chiropractic care in many aspects of health such as the immune system. Wouldn’t you want to know that chiropractic care could allow your family’s immune systems to be as healthy as they are meant to be?

The latest research shows people without any symptoms at all who receive chiropractic care IMPROVE their health.

That means there is valid scientific documentation that as you incorporate chiropractic care into your lifestyle you continue to get healthier even if you don't have any current symptoms!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


(post below comes from the Health Sciences Institute)

Here's a curious dilemma...

Say you're in charge of the most prominent public health agency for a Big Country.

So a flu comes along that looks like Bad News. Most of the experts are predicting the Bad News Flu will be huge, maybe deadly.

What do you do? You fire up drug companies to develop a Bad News Flu vaccine, pronto. And to make sure they're motivated, you order 190 million doses of the vaccine.

Ka-ching! Now you've got their attention. And you've got the public's attention too. People start to get nervous. Will there be enough vaccines? Will they arrive in time to be useful? Do we need to get more than one dose? Is it safe for kids? Is it safe for everyone?

Funny thing. While you're busy answering all those questions, you find out the Bad News Flu doesn't really seem to be kicking in. In fact, your records show there's some other virus out there that isn't Bad News, but sort of seems like Bad News.

Well now. Would it be so bad to let everyone think it's Bad News? You've bought a gajillion vaccines. You can't let those go to waste. And you SURE can't admit you got it all wrong. So...

Roll up your sleeves, Big Country! Time for your shots.

Bizarre behavior

Last July, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention advised state health officials to do two things. 1) Stop testing patients for H1N1. 2) Stop counting cases of H1N1.

The official line from CDC went like this: We already know it's an epidemic. So we're not going to waste time running tests to tell us what we already know.

Still, someone at CBS news thought that was sort of odd. So they asked CDC officials to be more specific about why they took this unusual action at the very time H1N1 was being touted as a dangerous pandemic.

Seems like we'd want to keep close tabs on something like that!

The CDC didn't respond to CBS. So the network contacted health officials in all 50 states to get H1N1 statistics that had been gathered until July when the CDC told them to stop.

Here are H1N1 numbers from three states:
California tested 13,704 flu patients – 2% had H1N1
Alaska tested 722 flu patients – 1% had H1N1
Georgia tested 3,117 flu patients – 2% had H1N1
Hmmm. Does that sound like an out-of-control pandemic to you? And you have to wonder: What are the chances the CDC was unaware of these numbers?

But there's something else going on here. Most of those "flu patients" didn't have H1N1 or the seasonal flu. Health experts told CBS that the patients appear to have had some sort of upper respiratory infection that wasn't actually an influenza.

And here's where it gets downright fishy.

According to the CDC you're immune from H1N1 if you've already had a bout with the virus. But CDC officials are advising those who were told they had H1N1 to go ahead and get the H1N1 vaccine. The exception would be those patients who have confirmation from a lab that they actually did have H1N1. But, of course, many don't have lab confirmation because the CDC called off testing.

Amazing. If CDC officials had set out to purposely mismanage their "control" of H1N1, they couldn't have done a better job.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Wellness Care Evidence?

A recent article in a national publication offered advice on how to choose a chiropractor. [1]

The reader was admonished to "suspect brainwashing" if wellness or maintenance care was recommended. The author regurgitated the tired old bromide that "There is no scientific evidence..." This claim must be refuted.

The World Health Organization defines health as being "a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity." [2]

Given this broad definition of health, epistemological constructs borrowed from the social sciences may demonstrate health benefits not disclosed by randomized clinical trials. Health benefits such as improvement in self-reported quality-of-life, decreased health care costs, behaviors associated with decreased morbidity, and patient satisfaction may be evaluated using such methods.

Blanks, Schuster and Dobson [3] published the results of a retrospective assessment of subluxation-based chiropractic care on self-related health, wellness and quality of life.

This is, to my knowledge, the largest study of its kind ever undertaken regarding a chiropractic population.

After surveying 2,818 respondents in 156 practices, a strong connection was found between persons receiving Network care and self-reported improvement in health, wellness and quality-of life.

95% of respondents reported that their expectations had been met, and 99% wished to
continue care.

Coulter et al [4] performed an analysis of an insurance data base, comparing persons receiving chiropractic care with non-chiropractic patients. The study consisted of senior citizens over 75 years of age. It was reported that the persons receiving chiropractic care reported better overall health, spent fewer days in hospitals and nursing homes, used fewer prescription drugs, and were more active than the non-chiropractic patients.

Rupert, Manello, and Sandefur [5] surveyed 311 chiropractic patients, aged 65 years and older, who had received "maintenance care" for five years or longer. Chiropractic patients receiving maintenance care, when compared with US citizens of the same age, spent only 31% of the national average for health care services. There was a 50% reduction in medical provider visits.

The health habits of patients receiving maintenance care were better overall than the general population, including decreased use of cigarettes and decreased use of nonprescription drugs.

Furthermore, 95.8% believed the care to be either "considerably" or "extremely" valuable.

Rupert [6] reports that 79% of chiropractic patients have maintenance care recommended to them, and nearly half of those comply. In an online survey with 3018 respondents by Miller, [7] 62% responded affirmatively when asked, "Although you feel healthy, would you follow your family member's lead and visit a doctor who focuses on wellness and prevention just so you can stay feeling that way?"

Clearly, there is a growing body of evidence that wellness care provided by doctors of chiropractic may reduce health care costs, improve health behaviors, and improve patient perceived quality of- life.

I just love this article as it is a clear, non-emotional, straight forward, factual representation of what is possible with wellness. Now more than ever, I see that people want something that works, and we are grateful to share that the results at Chiropractic Today are better than ever.

We thank you for being the type of people who choose pro-activity over fear; and choice over circumstance. I know that is what we want for our family, and for you and your family as well.

We appreciate you.

1. Andersen GD: "Food for thought 2002: how to choose a chiropractor." Dynamic Chiropractic
2. World Health Organization: The first ten years of the World Health Organization. Geneva:
WHO, 1958.
3. Blanks RHI, Schuster TL, Dobson M: "A retrospective assessment of Network care using a
survey of self-reported health, wellness and quality of life." Journal of Vertebral Subluxation
Research 1997;1(4):15.
4. Coulter ID, Hurwitz EL, Aronow HU, et al: "Chiropractic patients in a comprehensive homebased
geriatric assessment, follow-up and health promotion program." Topics in Clinical
Chiropractic 1996;3(2):46.
5. Rupert RL, Manello D, Sandefur R: "Maintenance care: health promotion services administered
to US chiropractic patients aged 65 or older, Part II." Journal of Manipulative and Physiological
Therapeutics 2000;23(1):10.
6. Rupert RL: "A survey of practice patterns and the health promotion and prevention Attitudes of
US chiropractors. Maintenance care: Part I." Journal of Manipulative and Physiological
Therapeutics 2000;23(1):1.
7. Miller S: Survey says? 2/6/02.